Seasons Greetings + Updates + Triple R-18 Release!

very poorly photoshopped picture

Hello everyone!

A belated Merry Christmas to everyone! I’m more or less alive now, although I still won’t be taking any commissions for now.

Anyway, after having finished my thesis earlier this month, I’ve been working on and off on a few different eromanga/doujin in my free time. Hopefully I can get the passion to get back to working on Horizon, although I feel like I need to retranslate everything before resuing, as my style has changed so much.

Seeing as I’ll have to look for work soon, progress may or may not again grind to a screeching halt: the wonders of working solo at your own pace once again make themselves apparent.

I may or may not have already mentioned this, but I will no longer be uploading translations to Fakku due to personal reasons, and instead will be switching over to uploading galleries to ExHentai. Although I’m still figuring that one out.

And without further ado, please enjoy these three R-18 works:

Herurun – Boku no Kawaii Maid-san : MediaFire | ExH
A bit of cute vanilla between Myucel and Shinichi.

Kosuke Haruhito – Nurse Suzuya ni Shibori Torareru Hon : MediaFire | ExH
Mild (or not) femdom followed by fairly vanilla stuff for the admirals out there.

Tousen – Houkyouyaku no Tame Naraba : MediaFire | ExH
And some fairly deviant stuff for those who can’t get off to normal vanilla anymore.

Fappy New Year.

R-18 Release: Yahaginist [Odawara Hakone]


Download: MediaFire
Read Online: Fakku!

A pretty sad doujin overall. But the art is really good.

Featuring hacaplus as editor! He especially helped with page 11.

Boy, every time I work on a KanColle doujin, I swear it’s like a history lesson.
I do hope people actually read those TL notes, since I do put time and effort into doing the research for those. Otherwise, it’s just wasted work.

In other news, WANI Magazine has been dishing out a lot of cease-and-desists to anyone linking to or hosting content from their serials, including, but not limited to:

  • Comic Kairakuten
  • Comic Kairakuten BEAST
  • Comic X-EROS

Also included are works by artists and their works under WANI, including but not limited to:

  • TakayaKi
  • Homunculus
  • Akino Sora
  • Ishikei
  • Hamao
  • Nakata Modem
  • Distance

Hence, from here on out, I will have to avoid doing any public commissions or releases with these works. Any currently existing works linked to here will be taken down immediately upon request of the IP holders as well.
Thanks for your understanding.

R-18 Commission: Abyssal Fleet Girls Roster [Minamoto Jin, ATTP]


Commissioned by Anonymous.

Download: MediaFire
Read online: Fakku!

Boy it feels good to go back to things like this.
Faptastic expressions to be had all around.

Also it’s my birthday, so I have another release to come in a bit.

Edit: Due to a misrecognition error, there has been a mistake: the girl in the second half of the doujin is not Airfield Hime, but the Hime-class Armored Carrier. This error has been rectified in the download version, but not in other uploads of the doujin.
That is all.

R-18 Release: A Love Song that Disappears into the Waves [Ayuya]


Download: MF
Read online: Fakku! / Fufufuu

Yes, another KanColle erodoujin.

Earlier when I and a few other friends were in Comiket 85, we saw AYUEST’s line extend outside from one end of the hall to the other and back. Of course, I didn’t bother with a futile attempt at lining up. Instead I made a note of that to look up later and damn, Ayuya’s art is really, really good. Unfortunately, there’s nothing but Chinese scans of the C85 work so I’ve instead done Ayuya’s work from Sunshine Creation 61. Lovely stuff.

Being able to pull karory in – repeatedly, in fact – is quite the feat as well. But perhaps they’re just good friends.

Links mentioned in the TL notes: (Ship Memorial) (USS Sealion logs) (Fortnum & Mason)

Also I’ve been liking Fufufuu’s design and lack of annoying 3dpd porn ads so I’ve been uploading there as well. I may end up switching over entirely some time or another, depending on how annoyed I get at Fakku comments.

Release: KanColle Comic à la Carte – Maizuru Naval District 01 [Shishigami]


Download: MediaFire
Read Online: Batoto

Some KanColle not-porn. I may or may not do the rest of this manga, but the other chapters are really good too; if you care about KanColle and can get your hands on a copy, definitely give it a try. Japanese, of course, is a must-know.

On a side-note, I hope translators working on KanColle stuff do some more research before releasing things. Not naming names of course – it just feels like everyone is jumping on the KanColle bandwagon when they haven’t the slightest clue about it apart from the girls being cute. As a T, It bugs the hell out of me when they get the names or facts wrong when they are just a Google search away.

R-18 Release: Yamato Wants to Love You, Admiral [Saikawa Yusa]


Hoo boy.

Download: MediaFire

Never in my life have I put this much effort into translating porn. In total, I’ve probably spent 20 hours, including all the research done and consulting others for understanding the history behind the ship, the references related to the game and otherwise, and so on. But this doujin totally deserved it. Even the handwritten bit for the omake manga. I don’t actually write that ugly, by the way.

Unlike other releases, this will NOT be put on Fakku! immediately, as a special service to this group’s followers. And a bit of KanColle elitism bleeding in – Yamato was, and still is, an event-exclusive, like this release will be to the blog (not that I have her though ;__; ). Not that that’s stopping anyone from downloading this and upping it someplace, but you’d be a jerk if you did that without permission, okay?

Also included in the release are two alternate typeset versions of the omake manga – one in the standard font for anyone who can’t read the intentionally bad scribble, and another in true World War II typeset style, as requested by a certain paediatric gynaecologist M.D..